It’s a New Year, a New Day and a Fresh Start!

A Fresh Start

A New Year 2023!!!


A Future Investment in Prosperity!!!


To All Our Old and New Friends:

Do you want to make a fresh start? Do you want to know what the future has in store for you? Well, take inventory…..Where are you? Where do you want to be? How do you get there? BIG QUESTIONS… BUT IMPERATIVE…TO TAKE INVENTORY! Otherwise we run the risk of being “crazy”. By crazy I mean do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Are you guilty of that? I have been before! And I vow to never get in that rut again! You can avoid it by taking simple concrete actions:

  • First, take inventory (where are you?)
  • Second, where do you want to be?
  • Third, take the necessary steps to get there!


A Fresh Start To Your Health and Happiness!!!

A rewarding life doesn’t have to be short-lived. You may have bad genes, poor health, a disability, or a compromised immune system. So are you destined to have a short life? Not necessarily! While we don’t have control over longevity, we do have control over how we take care of our bodies and that contributes to how our bodies feel. That impacts the qualify of our life. Maybe you don’t eat right, or you don’t have time or hate to exercise. If we want to feel good, we have to work at it. We have to watch what we put into our bodies and how we treat our bodies.


Science has given us the most cutting edge products in our lifetime! Through biohacking we have products to:

Feed Your Brain for Improved Mood, Cognitive Ability & More Energy

Sleep and Lose Weight at the Same time

Turn Back the Clock with Better Skin, Hair, Nails & Better Libido

Protect Yourself from Electrosmog with TUUN Resonate!

Get Financial Freedom!!! Invest in the Future!!!

Do you struggle with bills every month? You are not alone!! Many people do! Many people and families struggle to keep the bills paid and food on the table. As for the future, there is no time to plan, save or prepare for it because we are too busy getting by each day! It is time to change that! By taking action today, you can change the future. It is time to act!


We have business opportunities in here to supplement and eventually replace your income. And are you ready for the future? Are you in cryptocurrency? You need to be! Global Digital Currency is the ultimate diversification. We offer various forms of cryptocurrency on blockchain and even a travel program on

the blockchain.

Web 3.0 is available in the United States. It is a watch that mines your health data, keeps it secure and makes you cryptocurrency at the same time. It is mining while giving you your most recent body statistics and encouraging your health and wellness. Your data is protected and only used unnominously (unlike now) for the betterment and research statistics and you are paid very well for participating in this. Sound unbelievable? Well believe it……and Check out more information here!

Reward Yourself with a Glass of Fine Wine

Napa and Sonoma Valleys Finest!!!

As a member of our wine of the month club, you can enjoy fine wine from Napa and Sonoma Valleys each and every month sent right to your door for an unbelievable price! In addition, you may also earn free wine for sharing and enjoying it with family and friends. Sign up 3 new members and your monthly wine IS FREE! It doesn’t get any better than that! A taste of luxury in the coming year and FREE WINE?? Where else are you going to find a deal like that? Give yourself a monthly gift of wine and celebrate this Fresh Start and Happy New Year! After all, you deserve it!!!

fine wines


Holiday Dreams and Blessings:

Holiday Dreams and Blessings

May Holiday Dreams and Blessings be yours this season! The Holidays are just around the corner!  Thanksgiving will soon be here and we thank you for stopping by to see us! After Thanksgiving, its …….. the very Best Time of the Year! And we just love visitors!  It is the season of Magic, Miracles, Holiday Dreams, Blessings and Good Will.  We can enjoy sitting by the fireside and drinking hot cocoa with marsh mellows; or sipping a glass of fine wine.

Winter Dreams and Blessings!

Holiday Dreams and Blessings

During the holidays, we dare to dream! We celebrate Gods many blessings with family and friends and those less fortunate than ourselves. We realize how very fortunate we are to live in a free and diverse country.  By sharing with others, our happiness is increased than if we kept it to ourselves.  Our common bonds are not the color of our skin, or religion or sexuality, but our love of God and country and freedom that units us.  We have core values and dreams regardless of economic or racial, and religious differences.  United we have shared Holiday Dreams and Blessings and know each person has worth and is special.

Get Healthy and Happy for the Holidays!

Holiday Dreams and Blessngs

If you hate the idea of exercise, or just plain can’t make time for it right now, you have a way now to control how you think and how you feel with biohacking. The method of replacing needed nutrients that your brain and body needs to feel and perform at an optimal level. We have amazing products that do just that! Visit our Biohacking a Better Life page and try this revolutionary scientific approach to better living!

This new “brain food” nootropic will provide your brain with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to stay alert, focused, improve your mood and reduce anxiety throughout the day. A much better alternative to man-made chemicals and without all the side affects! This is a great pick me up to a day when you are feeling sluggish and tired. This amazing serum will lift you up out of the fog and get you going in the right direction! And it is literally flying off the shelves!

Holiday Dreams and Blessings

Then we have our second miracle: Zlem while you dream. For those who want to sleep better and lose weight while they rest. Zlem makes it all possible! Say goodbye to failed dieting and exercising and hello to the easiest way to lose weight period! While you Sleep! That’s Right! I said it and I have done it with Zlem.

And to turn back the clock……. INTRODUCING UUTH!!!! The biohacking serum that takes years off of you. No, I’m not kidding! This is our greatest discovery!!!!! The modern day Fountain of Youth! With continued use, it improves your hair, nails, skin and overall appearance….and even your libido.

Holiday Dreams and Blessings

EMF Protection

Finally, there is a revolutionary discovery for you that is very needed in today’s high technology world. It is called TUUN and was developed using biohacking to protect us from Electro-Magnetic Fields that are all around us! Don’t sit there day after day absorbing all the poison in the air without putting up a fight. Now there is a piece of jewelry you can wear or keep in your pocket to protect you from free radicals and other polluting elements to our cells.

The Best Discovery Wine Club Ever!

Join Our Wine of the Month Club and Get Incredible Delicious Wine Each Month from the fastest growing Wine Club in the World! Delivering Fine Wine From Vineyards in Sonoma and Napa Valley to your Front Door Each Month! In addition, Refer 3 Customers and your monthly wine is FREE! No other wine club does this!!! It also makes the Perfect Holiday Gift for THOSE HARD TO BUY FOR PEOPLE!

Holiday Dreams and Blessings

Share the Magic! Combine Fine Wine with the right food and turn any meal into an occasion! Make memories you Will cherish the rest of your life with this wonderful distinctive wine!!!

Blessings to Each & Everyone of You……….Our Fellow Savvy Shoppers & Family of Readers!!!

Our Wish for You….. A Very Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays WHEREVER You Are!!


More About The Savvy Shopper

What Is The Savvy Shopper?

The Savvy Shopper struck me as an appropriate name for my performance blogging system.  As a consumer, I strive to be a Savvy Shopper.  By that, I mean that I strive to be an informed customer. In other words, a customer that is rarely deluded or fooled into paying more for something than it is worth.  Also we try and present good quality products and services, as well as provide information for the consumer.  In addition, I like to keep abreast of the newest and latest trends, technologies, and cutting edge products! The Savvy Shopper was designed to provide each person with all of these things.  Furthermore, it has an eclectic array of products and services.  In other words, there is something here for everyone!  And, if one is not inclined to “shop”, we even have a “free stuff” category which you can take advantage of for fun!

Let’s simplify this further.  The Savvy Shopper is like a virtual online shopping mall.   You can look around here and/or shop from home in your pajamas whenever you want.  It is there for you anytime of day or night, whenever you feel like it.  We have a vast array of inventory from various companies that have all been vetted.  We want to be sure our customers are happy with their purchases… they will continue to come back.

How Do “I” Become A Savvy Shopper?

This is the easy part.  Becoming a A Savvy Shopper, is a piece of cake!  All you have to do is keep visiting us regularly! We have already done the vetting and research for you.  Ensuring you are up to date on the newest, latest, and most effective products, services and technology today!  Of course, you can do it by yourself, if you choose.  But how many of us have the time to devote to researching and comparison shopping every single time we want to check something out? Not many of us…….I can tell you that! I certainly don’t,but in this program, I don’t have too! The research is done and I can rely on it being genuine.  If it weren’t, we would quickly lose our audience! The primary thing that keeps people coming back is their positive informational gathering and shopping and experience!

Be sure and register on the right of this page, so we can notify you, every time we discover something awesome to include in our inventory! Doing this will ensure that you are on your way to becoming a  Savvy Shopper too.  Or if you aspire to do this yourself, check out our blog-with-rory page and see the opportunity to work from home.  Providing you want to go into this business yourself.  There is no cost, just a friendly heads up whenever something exciting comes along. Until next time, thanks for stopping by…………… and remember, You Too can be A Savvy Shopper!

Thanks for Dropping By!

Thanks for stopping by and visiting us.  We look forward to building a long-lasting relationship with you, as we connect through the internet, in the coming years.  When you return to see us, we know we have found someone who appreciates the unique and affordable offers and opportunities that we love to share; as well as, a new friend.  In other words, we hope you will join us and become A Savvy Shopper too.  Bye for now and looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship!

Ya’ll Come Back Now, Ya Here?

Meanwhile, please bookmark our site so you can check it out at least a couple of times a week to see the new deals, give-aways, freebies and updated items.  We aren’t shy about our finds, and we like to keep all our followers IN THE KNOW. Your feedback, replies and suggestions are valued!  We encourage you to share your thoughts with us.  In conclusion… WE APPRECIATE YOU!!!

Thanks for stopping and visiting us.  We look forward to building a long-lasting relationship with you, as we connect through the internet across the coming years.  When you return to see us, we know we have found another Savvy Shopper who appreciates the unique and affordable offers we love to share; as well as a new friend.  We look forward to seeing you again real soon! Bye for now and looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship!

Peace & Blessings,
