Wine & Cookies

This combination of Wine and Cookies never fails!!! Almond Crisp Cookies are easy to make and a delicious snack for anyone that wants to have a few munchies available when friends and family drop by during the holidays. Serve them with Adele Antonious’s Zinfandel Wine and you have an irresistible combination that no one can resist. In addition, it is as unusual as it is delightful and you are sure to have many positive comments about it. As a matter of fact, get ready to fill up your tray of cookies several times if more than a couple come by because they disappear as quickly as they are to make!!! So keep a bottle decanted and ready to pour in the glasses of all those who are munching and you have created a HIT of the greatest magnitude. They will be talking about this duo as soon as they are able to stop sipping and munching on your offerings.

Almond Crisp Cookies & Adele’s Zinfandel

Easy Recipe for Almond Crisp Cookies


2 Sticks of Butter

1/2 Cup of Granulated Sugar

Soda Crackers

Slivered Almonds


Boil Together 2 Sticks of Butter & 1/2 Cup of Granulated Sugar for 3 minutes.

Line a Cookie Sheet with Soda Crackers.

Sprinkle Slivered Almonds Over Them.

Pour Butter & Sugar after boiling over Soda Crackers & Almonds

Bake for 350 degrees for 10 minutes.

Remove from tray as soon as you take out of oven to prevent sticking

Wrappping Up…

In conclusion, make sure you try this Wine & Cookies Pairing during the Holidays or a Special Occasion for an easy, fun, delicious snack, sure to please. But a word of warning……….don’t not have enough on hand. Whatever you think you will use, double it!!!!!!